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Curriculum & Tools



Work Culture Curriculum

The OverJOYed LIFE workbooks were designed to take YOU, and/or your entire workplace to a new level of joy and effectiveness.
These books easily and simply guide anyone who uses them to transform the way they relate to, think about, understand, and communicate with those around them.  When you know how to communicate your ideas, thoughts and needs effectively, you are equipped to do all you desire to do.
Click on Workbook Covers above to read summaries of first 6 months training:

Shawn Achor, best selling author of The Happiness Advantage explains that our society’s most commonly held formulas for success are broken. Conventional wisdom holds that if we work hard we will be more successful, and if we are more successful, then we’ll be happy. People have a tendency to think, “If I can just find that great job, or win that next promotion, lose those ten pounds, or (fill in the blank), then happiness will follow.”

But the extensive research of Shawn Achor and other recent discoveries in the field of positive psychology have shown that this formula is completely backward: Happiness fuels success, not the other way around. When we are positive, our brains become more engaged, creative, motivated, energetic, resilient, and productive at work. This isn’t just an empty mantra. This discovery has been borne out repeatedly by rigorous research in psychology and neuroscience, management studies, and the bottom lines of organizations around the world.  

Your brain works significantly better at positive than at negative, neutral or stressed.  Every single business and educational outcome improves when we start at positive rather than waiting for a future success.  Sales improve 37% cross-industry, productivity by 31%, you're 40% more likely to receive a promotion, nearly 10 times more engaged at work, live longer, get better grades, your symptoms are less acute, and much more.

The OJL workbooks are not only perfect for individuals to use on the personal and professional development journey, but they are brilliant for leaders who want to keep their teams learning, growing and developing their happiness and success skills that will bring their dreams into reality. Each day you will have at your fingertips way to inspire, uplift and share researched steps that have proven to create happiness & success in people's lives. 


With this step-by-step joyful agenda businesses of all sizes can easily transform their cultures to one of happiness, helpfulness, teamwork and success, creating lasting joy in the heart of each team member, employee, or sales person.  Dawn has built the happiness curriculum on the latest research on happiness, success and personality. Each of the 12 (30 day) workbooks combine information, applications, exercises, and secrets to creating the OverJOYed LIFE that most people only dream of.

How do I know that if I put in the time and effort, I will see real, positive, transformational results?
The OverJOYed LIFE training system creates new neural pathways in your brain. This amazing capacity of the human brain is called Neuroplasticity.
Enjoy the video to your left that explains neuroplasticity in a very easy to understand way.




Professional development will take your career to the next level and help you add massive value to your employer, or to your bottom line as an entrepreneur. Following these five steps can help you dominate any field or industry quickly:

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Step 1: Make the Time to Study.

Your first step to genuine joy and success is to commit to twelve months of  study for a better future. Take seriously your commitment to work through the OverJOYed Life Curriculum of personal and professional development workbooks. This will aid you in learning some of the most extraordinary personal development material but, even more importantly, it will help you create happiness and success habits that will carry you forward to setting and accomplishing your greatest goals.

Step 2: Identify Your Heroes.


Your second step is to identify the world’s three top experts on a topic/skill that you want to develop and read at least one book by each expert. (OJL offers you a marvelous professional development reading list, as well as step by step daily focus on an area in professional development .) Look for, and learn from, people who are enjoying the kind of success and notoriety you are looking to achieve. If you are going to bother to make time to learn, make sure you learn from people you believe in and respect.

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Step 3: Apply What You are Learning

While you will definitely benefit just from absorbing the wisdom of thought leaders, you can’t truly understand and develop a topic/skill until you APPLY your knowledge. For example, you can’t become an expert on networking and marketing your business if you never actually get up and get out and network and market your business to others. You can’t become an expert on Social Media like LinkedIn just by reading books about LinkedIn; you have to actually use LinkedIn firsthand. By applying what you learn through your initial study, you’ll deepen your understanding and add personal experience to the material.

Step 4: Persist. Don't get knocked off track. 

People can get excited about learning and developing but the success is in doing anything consistently. When you commit to joining the OverJOYed Life movement to learn all you can about creating and maintaining YOUR OverJOYed Life, you must be willing to stick with it. You must stay on course and not allow anything to knock you off track. Working through these workbooks is not difficult. What is difficult is creating a new success habit for yourself by carving out a minimum of ten minutes a day to give as a gift to yourself. Take the time to become an expert on YOU; to understand your meaning, power, purpose and to be able to then use your gifts and talents for your benefit and the great benefit of others.

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Step 5: Teach/Lead/Mentor (This is the most important)

After studying, applying, and proving to yourself that you can persist, you can greatly strengthen your mastery by teaching others. OJL has created simple, yet powerful options for you to accomplish this. For example, becoming a mentor or leader for face-to-face mastermind groups in your area.  Or you can become a leader easily online with a private Facebook group for your mastermind exchanges. With our additional mastermind curriculum and exercises, you can help others learn, and more importantly discuss how they can develop important skills that will take them toward their success. When you pay forward the great information that you are learning, you not only make an enormous difference in the lives of others, but you solidify your understanding of the knowledge and skills that you need to live your dreams as well. 

The simple Learning Pyramid diagram below shows the very rough retention rates to be expected through various forms of teaching. 

You can “teach” your topic by writing articles about what you have learned, by delivering presentations about what you have learned, or simply by sharing your ideas informally with friends, family, or colleagues. Start a private Facebook group and invite people to join. There are plenty of options.   As you can see, the passive learning approaches offer relatively low levels of retention. Unfortunately, this is what we often rely on when picking up a new skill, especially as adults.

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The participatory methods, however, offer much more promise. The “Group Discussions” (50% retention), as mentioned previously, could be fostered through mastermind groups or online critiques. “Practice by Doing” (75% retention) is where Deliberate Practice comes in.


But with “Teaching Others” reportedly offering a 90% retention rate. One of the great secrets to creating new neuro pathways is to mentor/teach someone else what you have learned. Make it easy for them to grasp.

“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.” – Einstein

Whether you’re already proficient, or a complete novice here isn’t important. If you’re an expert looking to improve, you have a lot to teach. If you’re a novice, you can explain what you’re learning to others.





JOY and laughter leave you, and those you work with, uplifted, refreshed and more energetic. 


In the light of laughter and joy, everything looks better and brighter!  To receive a wonderful booklet about the great benefits of laughter and joy, and how they can heal us spiritually, physically and emotionally, not to mention make us more successful at work, simply become a part of the movement and download for free.

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